Module: Subroutines: procedures and functions - 2




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function is a subroutine that returns a result (number, character line, etc.).

Imagine that you have ordered a product from an online store. From a programming point of view, you called some subroutine, and unlike a procedure, this subroutine must return a result - deliver the product you ordered. These subroutines are called functions.
A function is formatted in exactly the same way as a procedure. The only difference from a procedure is the presence of a special operator return,
 after which the value to be returned to the main program is written.

A function that returns the arithmetic mean of two integers would look like this:

float average(int a, int b)
    float avg = (a + b) / 2.0;
    return aug;
It remains to figure out how to call this function in the main program. You should not call a function in the same way as a procedure:
average(10, 5); 
The value returned by the function will be lost. It is as if the goods from the online store were not given to anyone, but thrown away. It is unlikely that the customer will like it.

It is more correct to store the result in a variable (or display it on the screen):
float a = average(10, 5); 
Console.WriteLine(average(10, 5));< /code>


Compose a function that calculates the number of divisors of a natural number.
Using it, write a program that, among 5 entered natural numbers, finds the number with the maximum number of divisors. If there are several such numbers, then print the largest of them.
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