Module: Integer division and remainder


9 /16

k-second of day


There is the k-th second of the day. Determine how many whole hours and whole minutes the beginning of the day has passed.

For example, if

\(k = 13257 = 3\cdot3600 + 40\cdot60+57\),  then  \(h = 3, m = 40\)

Input format

Given integer k (0 < k <= 86399).

Output format

Output line like this

It is ... hours ... minutes.

Instead of dots, the program should output the values h and m, separating them from the words with exactly one space.

It is forbidden to use any algorithmic constructions except arithmetic operations. See the list of forbidden operations in the line forbidden operators.
N Input Output
1 13257 It is 3 hours 40 minutes.