Module: (Python) Workshop - 3: "A Few Harry Potter Facts"


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"Night Knight" – a bus for witches and wizards in trouble. 
"Night Knight" impresses with its size. Small in length, it is significant in height. Giant wheels, three floors. Car color – bright purple.
The bus has several magical properties. First, it arises right there, on demand, anywhere and at any time. The Wizard doesn't even have to wait. Equipped stops «Night Knight» Not needed.

Harry Potter fans decided to organize a city tour on a Night Knight-themed bus. The bus was 437 centimeters high. On the excursion route there are N bridges. The organizers were worried that a tall bus might not pass under one of them. They know the height of each of the bridges. The bus can pass under the bridge if and only if the height of the bridge exceeds the height of the bus. Help the organizers find out if the tour will end safely, and if not, determine where the accident will occur.
Input data 
The first line of input is the number N (\(1<=N<=1000\)). Then there are N natural numbers (one number per line) not exceeding 10000 - the height of the bridges in centimeters in the order in which they occur on the bus path.
You need to display the phrase "No crash" if the tour ends successfully. If an accident occurs, then you need to display the message "Crash k", where k  is the number of the bridge where the accident will occur. Print phrases without quotes with exactly one space inside.


# Input Output
1 1
No crash
2 3
Crash 3