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Task for Petya and Vanya


Fifth graders Petya and Vanya learned the following Euclid algorithm in math class:

  1. Let ab — the numbers to be found.

  2. If b = 0 then number a — GCD you are looking for.

  3. If b > a then swap the numbers a and b .

  4. Set a a value a – b.

  5. Return to step 2.

Masha came up with a task for them to fix. She asked the boys to come up with such numbers ab, c and d that in the process of implementing the Euclid algorithm for a given pair of numbers (a, b) , there comes a moment when, before step 2 is executed, the number a will be equal to c , and the number b will be equal to d.

Write a program for Masha to check if the numbers satisfy a, b, c, d Masha's conditions.

Input: The first line of the input contains the number of test cases K (\( 1 <= K <= 100\)). Below are descriptions of these sets. Each description consists of two lines. The first one contains two integers: ab (\(1 <= a, \ b <= 10^{18}\)). The second line – two integers: cd (\(1 <= c,\ d < = 10^{18}\)).
All numbers in the lines are separated by spaces.

Output: For each test case, output the word «YES» if during application Euclid's algorithm to a pair of numbers (ab) at some point a pair is obtained (cd< /code>). Otherwise, output the word "NO".


# Input Output
1 2
20 10
10 10
10 7