Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 22009. Olympiad results

N Olympiad participants received unique numbers from 1 to N. As a result of solving problems at the Olympiad, each participant received a certain amount points (an integer from 0 to 600).  It is known who scored how many points. It is required to list the participants of the Olympiad in non-increasing order of their points.
First enter the number N (\(1<=N<=100\)) - the number of participants in the Olympiad. Next enter N numbers - the number of points scored by the participants (1st number - these are the points scored by participant number 1, 2nd number - participant number 2, etc.).
Output N numbers - the numbers of the participants in non-increasing order of their points (participants with the same number of points can be displayed in any order).
# Input Output
100 312 0 312 500
5 2 4 1 3

Запрещенные операторы:sort