The crew of the Serenity interplanetary ship of the class Firefly delivers cargo to various planets of the star system. The ship has a secret cargo hold consisting of N × M
cells. Each cell of the cargo compartment has a maximum volume that it can accommodate. It is impossible to fit into the cell a load with a volume greater than the maximum volume of the cell. Only exactly one load can be placed in one cell.
Serenity Captain Malcolm Reynolds thinks through cargo placement into cells. Help him determine the maximum amount of cargo the captain can deliver.
The first line contains numbers N
and M
(\(1 \leq N, M \leq 40\) ). Each of the following N
lines contains M
numbers indicating the maximum volume of the corresponding cell. The (N+2)
th line contains the number K
(\(1 \leq K \leq 2000\) span>) – the amount of cargo. The (N+3)
-th line contains K
numbers, the i
-th of which is – volume i
th cargo. All volumes – natural numbers not exceeding 109.
It is required to display one number – the maximum possible amount of cargo that can be delivered.
# |
Input |
Output |
1 |
3 2
5 10
7 5
5 5
9 5 3 5 12 10
4 |
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