Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 30694. GCD for a pair of numbers

There is a data set consisting of pairs of positive integers. For each pair of numbers, the value A – greatest common divisor. 

Write a time- and memory-efficient program that will determine which A value is most common. If multiple A values ​​occur the same maximum number of times, output them in descending order.

A program is considered time efficient if the program execution time is proportional to the number of N pairs, i.e. when N increases by k times the running time of the program should increase no more than k times. 

A program is considered memory efficient if the amount of memory used in the program to store data does not depend on the number N and does not exceed 100 kilobytes.

The input to the program in the first line is the number of N pairs (\(1 <= N <= 100000\)). Each of the following N lines contains two natural numbers not exceeding 1000. 


Output the answer to the problem



# Input Output
1 3 
5 15  
6 9  
5 4  
3 3  
36 40  
3 1