Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 37086. Column swap

Given a matrix of size NxM and two numbers k1 and k2. Cycle leftward between columns k1 and k2 (including columns k1 and k2, i.e. The k1 column must be in place of the k2 column, the k2 column in the place of the k2-1 column, etc. .).

The first line contains numbers N and M (\(0<N,M<=10\)) . Next come N lines of M numbers each. Each number modulo no more than 100. Following a new line are two numbers k1, k2 (\(0<= k1<=k2< M\)).

Display the transformed matrix, allocating three character spaces for each element.
# Input Output
1 3 4
56 32 94 12 
15 72 51 60 
43 4 97 38 
0 2
 32 94 56 12
 72 51 15 60
  4 97 43 38