Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38841. Find the missing


Темы: Циклы
One day, in a remote lesson via some kind of video conferencing service, the teacher noticed that one of the N students in the class was missing. To understand who exactly is missing, the teacher asked each student present to write in the chat his number in the class journal: a number from 1 to N. Then, after the end of the lesson, by viewing the saved chat, the teacher will be able to understand which of the students did not write his number. Help him - write a program that will do it.

The first line of the input contains an integer N (1 <= N <= 105 ) — the number of students in the class. The following N-1 lines contain one number each — the numbers of the students present at the lesson in random order. Among these numbers, every number from 1 to N, except for one, occurs exactly once.

The program should output a single number — number of the missing student.
# Input Output
1 5