Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38996. Number substitution

In the set of numbers N, replace one number with a number from the set of numbers M so that the sum of the numbers in the set N is as close as possible to the number < code>S. Print three numbers, each on a separate line:
1 line - the number that was replaced from the set N;
2nd line - the number from the set M, which was replaced;
Line 3 - the resulting sum of numbers from the set N.
It is guaranteed that such a substitution can be made. If possible substitutions  several, then choose the one in which the number from the N set is less.

In the first line, enter 3 numbers separated by a space: n (10<=N<=105) - the number of numbers in the set N, < code>m (10<=M<=105) - number of numbers in set MS ( 10<=S<=109S>sum(N), where sum(N) is the sum of all numbers in the set < code>N.
The second line contains a set of numbers N: n numbers separated by one space (each number modulo does not exceed 105).
The third line contains a set of numbers M: m numbers separated by one space (each number modulo does not exceed 105).

Display the answer to the problem as specified in the condition.
# Input Output
1 2 2 10
1 3