Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 42872. Access code

Alice decided that she needed to put in an access code to control the ship. She believes that the access code should be of the form a:b:c, where a, b and c are integers. Moreover, the number a must be simple, the number b must be a palindrome, and the number c must be even. Captain Green came up with the code.

You've been given the task of writing a program that would print True if a given access code matches the rules and False if it doesn't. So that your program can be used for other checks, the captain asks you to issue a program using three functions:
- isPrime(n) - a function that determines whether the number n is prime or not;
- isPalindrome(n) - a function that determines whether the number n is a palindrome;
- isEven(n) - a function that determines whether the number n is even.

All checks of a number for primality, palindrome and evenness must be carried out only using these functions!

The program receives one string as input - the access code that Captain Zeleny came up with.

Print True if the access code matches Alice's rules, otherwise print False.
# Input Output
1 7:101:14 True
2 101:101:101 False
3 qwerty False

Запрещенные операторы:::-1;reverse