Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 44618. Color conversion

The brightness of the pixels in the picture is encoded with numbers from 0 to 255 in the form of a matrix. Convert the picture to black and white using the following algorithm:

  • calculate the average brightness of pixels over the entire image
  • all pixels, the brightness of which is less than average, make black (write code 0), and the rest -– white (code 255)

  • Input

    The first line contains space-separated dimensions of the matrix: the number of rows N and the number of columns M ( 1 <= N  ;, M <= 100 ). The following N lines contain matrix rows, each – by M natural numbers ranging from 0 to 255, separated by spaces.


    The program should display in the first line the average brightness value for the given image with an accuracy of 4 decimal places. The following N lines display the constructed matrix corresponding to the black and white image.

    # Input Output
    4 4
    12 14 67 45
    32 87 45 63
    69 45 14 11
    40 12 35 15
    0 0 255 255
    0 255 255 255
    255 255 0 0
    255 0 0 0