Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 44992. Range Minimum Query


Темы: Деревья

  Giggle opens its new office in Sudislavl and you are invited for an interview. Your task — solve the problem.

You need to create a data structure that is an array of integers. The array is initially empty. You need to support two operations:

  • request: "? i j» — returns the minimum element between the i-th and j-th, inclusive;
  • change: "+ i x" — add element x after i-th element of the list. If i=0, then the element is added to the beginning of the array.

Of course, this structure should be good enough.


The first line of the input file contains a single integer n — number of operations on the array (1<=n<=200000). The following n lines describe the operations themselves. All add operations are valid. All numbers stored in the array do not exceed 109.


For each operation print its result on a separate line.

Comment to example tests

The following table shows the process of changing the array from the example.
Operation Array after its execution
originally empty
+ 0 5 5
+ 1 3 5, 3
+ 1 4 5, 4, 3
+ 0 2 2, 5, 4, 3
+ 4 1 2, 5, 4, 3, 1


# Input Output
+ 0 5
+ 1 3
+ 1 4
? 12
+ 0 2
? 24
+ 4 1
? 3 5