Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 6030. Maximum in matrix - 1

 n athletes compete in the hammer throw. Each of them made  m throws. The winner of the competition is the athlete who has the best result in all throws. Thus, the program must find the value of the maximum element in the given array, as well as its indices (i.e., the number of the athlete and the number of the attempt).

Input: The program receives as input two numbers n and m (1<=n<=20;  1<=n<=20), which are the number of rows and columns in array. Next in the input stream are n lines of m numbers, which are elements of the array.

Output data: The program prints the value of the maximum element, followed by the row number and the column number in which it occurs. If there are several maximum elements in the array, then you need to print the minimum number of the line in which such an element occurs, and if there are several such elements in this line, then you need to display the minimum number of the column. 

# Input Output
1 4 3
1 4 2
5 2 5
5 1 4
1 2 4