Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 7034. On the other side of the street

The number of inhabitants living in each house of the street is known. Houses are numbered in a row, starting from 1. Houses with odd numbers are located on one side of the street, with even numbers on the other. Which side of the street has more residents?

The first line contains the number N (1<=N<=20)  - the number of elements of a one-dimensional array. The second line contains N integers (each number is not over 100).

Display a greater than sign (">") if the odd side has more inhabitants than the even side. Display a less than sign ("<< /code>"), if the number of inhabitants on the odd side is less than on the even side. Otherwise, display the sign equals ("=").
# Input Output
202 103 484 287 282 238 
2 4
20 101 100 123