N points are given on the plane. You need to construct a convex hull of a given set of points. Print two numbers: perimeter and area. Input The first line contains the number of points N, 1≤N≤10000. Each of the following N lines contains two integers – xi and yi coordinates. All modulo numbers do not exceed 104. Imprint Output two numbers: the perimeter and the area of the convex hull.
Input The first line contains one number N (3≤N≤100000). Next, N lines contain a pair of numbers – coordinates of the next vertex of a simple polygon in clockwise or counterclockwise order. Imprint Print one line: “YES”, if the given polygon is convex, and “NO” otherwise.
Input The first line contains three integers – N (3≤N≤100000) and point coordinates. Next, N lines contain a pair of integers – coordinates of the next vertex of a simple polygon in clockwise or counterclockwise order. Imprint Print one line: “YES”, if the given point is contained in the reduced polygon or on its boundary, and “NO” otherwise.